About Wayne
I have been speaking for nearly 20 years now, and several years ago I became a Certified Life Coach. More recently, in May of 2020, after years of study, I became a Jack Canfield Certified Life Coach.
I have addressed audiences as diverse as Credit Unions, school children, small business people, even Mental Heath care professionals, and Sunday School Teachers. Universally, they wanted to laugh and learn something.
Whether it is working on how the changes in the economy might help instead of hinder you, or if you are feeling the brochure (life) promised you more, the people I have coached and spoken to assure me that I left them better than I found them.
I live in Kingston with my loving wife, Elizabeth, raised my amazing daughter Bethany, play with computers, argue Theology, and champion causes which make life better for the mentally ill.

Wayne’s New Book
Wayne’s new book, “31 Days” provides a month’s worth of thoughts, tips, and techniques to help you better process and enjoy your month and year.
In over 10 years of blogging, Wayne has curated his best posts to help you get and enjoy where you want to go, be and do.
With over 30 original, insightful yet humorous drawings, Ophelia Verk graphically illustrates each post to powerfully bring home the points Wayne makes.