I view this week as the start of a new year. Academics get it, the Jewish community gets it, (Rosh Hashana) and it is the week after my birthday! So, I get a little wistful. What I have, what I don’t have. Things I have done and not done…

By one metric I am a failure; no Gulfstreams, World Cruises, or a best-selling book!  (OK 100,000 people, get off your behinds and buy my book! https://31days.ca) F or better or worse, this is often what our culture views as succeeding.

From another viewpoint, I am a resounding success! I live where I have dreamed and manifested, I like what I drive, I like what I do for a living, I love who I am married to, and I have a daughter who speaks to me, (that alone would be considered an answer to prayer in some families!) I have good friends, am still meeting new ones!

Are there things I want to change? Are there things I want to do and get better? Absolutely! Looking forward to a strong fall.

Would love to hear your hopes and fears! Give me a call, yes I am old school, I still prefer the phone! 613-387-2727.

Until we chat again,
