When I come up with a blog post, it is usually because of something I have learned or something I have found.

Today’s is different. This is a sermon I am preaching to myself.! As we are going through what seems like Canada’s longest winter, I felt it would be appropriate to chat about persistence.

To be Successful, people need a plan of action when they face a challenge or obstacle. This should minimize stress, help you stay motivated, and persist through the tough times. Persistence is key if you want to achieve your goal and reach new heights in life.

It’s not always easy keeping up the momentum when you feel tired or you’re struggling with self-doubt. You might feel tempted to give up or take a break from what you are doing for a while. But giving up often makes getting back at it more difficult.

Know what you want to Achieve

Knowing what you want to achieve is key to creating a plan that will increase your persistence. This will help you stay motivated and hopefully inspired. It will also help you connect with your passion and live your dreams. If you don’t know what you want to achieve, you will never be able to plan a path that leads you there.. Always keep in mind the core values and passions of your life. What do you care about? I mean really care about? What makes you feel energized and inspired? What are your core values? These are all valuable clues to help you discover your purpose.

Sketch out a Plan

Before you start planning your path to success, you need to know where you are going. You can create a plan to achieve your goals. What this looks like is up to you! Write something, Doodle, Collage, paint it if you want, but have a plan!  This plan will help you see the bigger picture. It will also make it easier for you to stay motivated and inspired when you’re stuck.

Ask yourself “WHY”

At the risk of banging my favourite drum, ask yourself powerful questions to create your plan such as:

  • Why do you want to achieve your goal?
  • What do you love about it?
  • What is the main reason that you want to be successful?
  • Why do you have to change your life?

These are all important questions you need to ask yourself. Remind yourself of all the benefits of achieving your goals. Focus on the happiness and fulfillment you will receive when you achieve your dreams.

Remind yourself of all the amazing things that can happen when you change your life. If you can connect with the why behind your goal, it will help you stay motivated and inspired. It will also help you find the drive to take action when you are stuck.

Then Break Down the Steps

Once you have decided what you want to achieve, you can start breaking down the steps to get there. To succeed, you need to be a little strategic and follow a plan. Take notes, make lists mind map it doesn’t matter. Three things: What you are doing, why you are doing it, and how will you know if you are getting there Then celebrate the wins! This part is important! This is what makes like fun. This will also help you to keep going.

To close:

The sky seems always gray. Keep going!

It is way too cold. Keep going!

No one wants to help! Keep going!

Keep going, you will get there!


Until we chat again,

