September 1 is my New Year’s Eve. I find December 31 arbitrary. Fall is the season I check my results against my goals. Remember to write down your goals, and review them often. It works! I would love to hear how your goal setting/achieving process is going. Enjoy your fall. Til we chat again, W]]>
Setting Goals
by Wayne | Sep 1, 2011 | Goal Setting, Musings | 1 comment
Fall, for me also, is a season of new beginnings.
Every fall, when the kids scuff through the leaves past my house on the way to school, I can still smell the fresh scent of a brand new Hilroy notebook – all those pages filled with potential stories written, verbs conjugated, problems solved – all, of course, without a single error!
In the spring, those notebooks were full of erasures, corrections, and evidence of trials and failures as well as successes. We would take the summer to assimilate the lessons learned, to relax and let go, to stop worrying for a while, to forget the failures.
And every fall, there will be a new notebook – fresh and filled with potential…