71677270 –[/caption] Today I am looking to chat to the 25+ years at work club. Maybe you are longing for, maybe you are dreading, but the next chapter is coming. If you plan for it, you will be better able to control it. Never have we had more time post sixty five, as a people. We are wealthier, healthier, and more educated than we have ever been, let’s shoot for more than finger sandwiches and two verses of Amazing Grace. Dreaming of golf? great! That’s six weeks, now what? I believe boredom kills more people than heart attacks. So if you don’t want to annoy your wife by being underfoot all the time, what can you do? Revisit a long held goal that you kept putting off, See if now is the time. Monetize a hobby. See if it can scale. Is there charity work you have always wanted to do, but felt you were too busy? Can you market your current skill set to launch a new consulting business? If this article piques your interest, give me a call. 613-767-9144 A new chapter in a better book! Wayne]]>
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