It seems every year in the Motivation industry, there is a new buzz word. Last year’s was gratitude, this year the word is joy. This frankly is powerful. Many people spend their lives seeking pleasure, when what they are truly looking for is joy. Pleasure is both based on external events, and often fleeting. It like our other appetites, rarely satiates us for long. Joy on the other hand is internal. Joy can often be felt even when circumstances are not what you hoped for.

It is spoken frequently about in all wisdom literature, and this year is filling our bookstands and libraries.

I am in the middle of the Dali Lama’s and Bishop Tutu book, “The Book of Joy” I did not know what to expect. I may have some theological differences with these authors, but on reflecting on how to do the here and now better, pretty amazing!  

Do some research this February, How can I make joy a bigger component in my life? I think you will find it useful.

Till we chat again,


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