Many of you know I recently co-authored a book. I got thinking, when is yours coming out? Many of you dream of getting your book published. I can’t speak to romance novels or great sci-fi, but I can speak into having an expertise you want to share. There may be less stopping you than you think. You have probably thought of dozens of rejection letters, a garage full of unopened boxes of books or thousands of dollars of fees to self publish. This list is not necessarily as true as it was thirty or forty years ago. With print to order, the internet and digital offerings such as Kindle you can go from a manuscript in Word to a book in weeks instead of months or even years. So why write that book? Getting writing a book off your bucket list. Having a 6×9 inch business card for seminars and presentations. Hopefully developing credibility with your peers in an area of expertise. Help develop your “brand” beyond your regional market.(it works, we found we sold a book in Australia to someone we don’t even know.) And at very least, you will have obligation gifts taken care of for years to come. I can’t promise you a New York Times best seller, but I think you will find it is worth the process. Titll we chat again, Wayne And here is my shameless plug. Press here to buy the book
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