Do you have an accountability partner? As a Life coach, I hold the client accountable to what they said they wanted. Holding yourself accountable is one of the key ingredients to goal achieving. It does not have to be a pro helping you. Anyone who you like and trust, and who you think has your best in mind can be this accountability partner. (As someone who sells this, we think we do it better.) {grin}
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphI have met a few who can do this themselves, but very few, even the coaches need coaching. Why is it so important? Two words: Fear and procrastination. Telling someone else you are going to do it, makes doing it much more likely! By the way, when a client promises me he/she is committed to something, the promise is not really to me. All promises are to themselves. Try this for a month, I think you will find promises made, promises kept will change how you think about the near future. If hiring me to coach you is part of the process even better. I think you will find you are more on target, you are more relaxed, and are getting more done, rather than just wishing and hoping. OK, I am getting off my soapbox now, let me know how it worked for you. Till we chat again,
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphWayne
/wp:paragraph ]]>
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