So Now what?

So Now what?

As I write this, we are in the middle of October, and people are starting to plan what they want for the holidays, or perhaps what they want for the remainder of the year. Yes, planning is important, it rises you above the chaos surrounding the random and the urgent....
New Service Offered!

New Service Offered!

They say if you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail. However, I believe that many people, certainly the self-employed, would benefit from coaching. I find that many people are afraid to book a discovery call, Ie: free. I believe they think they might get a hard...
Define your goals

Define your goals

Before you maximize your potential, you need to define it. If you don’t define it, you won’t be able to get the most out of it. If you don’t know your true purpose, you won’t be able to find the potential you need. Keep in mind that potential is the capacity to...


Last week we talked about unlocking, today I am talking about becoming. It’s more work, I grant you, but no less important. First, as mentioned in last week’s post, you have to decide what you want to become. So that starts with GOALS. What do you want? Notice I...
Are You Accountable?

Are You Accountable?

Following up from last week’s post on realizing your goals, today I am talking about accountability. It is I believe the third leg of the coaching industry stool.( If my metaphor is lost on you, we had a dairy farm.) Again and again, I realize that an undeclared goal...
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

It’s Christmas, and I want you to get yourself a gift! Pick up a copy of Napoleon Hill’s seminal work “Think and Grow Rich” and read it over the Holidays. I know of no book outside of wisdom literature which has more power to change your next year. It is a known...