Wisdom of the crowd

Wisdom of the crowd

Well, here we are, coming to the last few days of 2023. And often, in my blog, I ask and answer questions that I think my readers care about. I have trained as a speaker and coach, and generally, the questions revolve around doing or becoming more of what you want to...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I view this week as the start of a new year. Academics get it, the Jewish community gets it, (Rosh Hashana) and it is the week after my birthday! So, I get a little wistful. What I have, what I don’t have. Things I have done and not done… By one metric I am a failure;...
Maintaining happiness

Maintaining happiness

Learning the happiness habit – The same way someone can choose to be a miserable sort of person, you can choose to create the habit of being happy. There are techniques and tools you can use in your life to maintain your happiness. Use gratitude as a way to offset the...
3 Myths about visualization

3 Myths about visualization

Following up on last week’s post on visualization, I’d like to help you dispel some of the myths about the process.Myth #1: Visualization is IneffectiveThe first and very pervasive myth is that visualization simply involves creating a mental image of what you want....
Where do you picture yourself?

Where do you picture yourself?

As I sit here typing, I am staring out my window at a lake and a yard covered in two feet of snow. If you aren’t shoveling it or freezing in it, it’s kind of pretty.However, how many people besides me are visualizing palm trees?So, you may ask, what is...
How old will you be in five years?

How old will you be in five years?

How old will you be if you spent the next five years working on a worthy and personally meaningful goal? Even more importantly, how old will you be in five years if you don’t? Do you see my point? Going for it makes more sense than not going for it! Here are three...