“An abundance mentality springs from internal security, not from external rankings, comparisons, opinions, possessions, or associations.” ~ Stephen Covey

It is true that your mindset can drastically affect the outcome of something and can change your life. It’s often been proven that your mindset, or the way you think about yourself and the world around you, can change the way you approach learning, how you handle stress or unforeseen circumstances. It can affect how you go after success or how resilient you are. It can even affect how your immune system performs.
In 1988 Stephen Covey, in his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, coined the term “abundance mindset“. It defines the “concept in which a person believes there are enough resources and successes to share with others.” Unfortunately, not everyone adopts or has this mentality. These people have what is termed as a scarcity mentality.
Scarcity is the opposite of abundance. Knowing which one you react from can mean the difference in how you look at life and what you have in life.
The scarcity mentality is when someone believes that if someone else wins, you automatically lose. Having an abundant mindset means you see the world as having an infinite number of possibilities, a world filled with opportunities.
When you live from a place of abundance, you feel gratitude for what you already have, are aware of and constantly pursuing new opportunities in every area of your life, and give to others freely.
Those who live with a scarcity mentality can change if they are willing. Throughout this guide, there are tips on how to develop an abundance mindset. It can be easier than you think or as hard as you want to make it.

Concept of Abundance

“The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything you want.” ~ Abraham Hicks

The theory of abundance was first introduced by Stephen Covey. “The abundance mentality,” Covey writes, “flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making.”
This mindset is the core of any area of your life. It focuses your attention on what you already have and all the possibilities that are available to everyone in the world. The problem, according to Covey is that most people are trapped with the scarcity mentality.
What exactly, is the scarcity mentality, then? Covey explained it as viewing the world “as though there was only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everybody else.”When you have a scarcity mindset, it makes it difficult to share happiness, power, or recognition, with others. You feel that when they gain something, it is your loss and you worry that there isn’t enough to go around. Let’s look at the difference between scarcity and abundance mindsets.
If you have an abundance mindset, you…

  • Are happy most of the time
  • Are able to give and receive affection, praise, and items with ease
  • Are a lifelong learner, always ready to educate and learn something new?
  • Are sincere and congratulate others on their successes
  • Are secure and confident in life endeavors
  • Feel grateful for what you have
  • Feel creative and inspired
  • Create meaningful life experiences
  • Create successful outcomes
  • Take advantage of opportunities and enjoy new ones that come your way
  • Have a point of view of being in control of your life
  • Your physical energy is relaxed, alert, confident
  • Feel and know you always have choices
  • Have a long-term plan for finances and life
  • Always have enough for today and the future
  • Dream big and think big
  • Enjoy challenges and embrace change
  • Have a “cup is half full” or fuller attitude
  • Take risks that allow you to obtain your version of abundance
  • Live an unlimited, full, and satisfying life

If you have a Scarcity mindset,

  • Your viewpoint is as a victim, bully, or one of uncaring or indifference.
  • You’re often tense, have clenched jaws, or short of breath.
  • You’re often confused, disorganized, overwhelmed, angry, or feel powerless.
  • You focus on what’s not working.
  • You believe you don’t have enough, and you’ll never have enough.
  • You are sad and live an unfulfilled life.
  • You incur debt to get an unneeded want.
  • You have a fixed mindset where you don’t take risks or think out of the box.
  • Your fear of the unknown keeps you from trying new things.
  • You have low self-esteem, no confidence, and rarely take chances.
  • You have a “nothing good will come from it” attitude.
  • You focus on the present, immediate needs.
  • You live from paycheck to paycheck with little savings.
  • You tend to be self-absorbed, a taker, and jealous of others and what they have.

The concept of abundance, or the theory behind the abundance mindset, then, is one of believing there is always enough for you and everyone else, and that by taking risks and growing in all ways you win and succeed in life.

“The abundance mentality,” Covey writes, “flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making.”

Why it Attracts and Creates a More Satisfying Life

Now that you know the difference between a scarcity mindset and an abundant one as well as what it means, you’re likely wondering why it works to how it creates more satisfaction in your life. We’ll look at that now.

Why it Works

A mindset of abundance helps you focus on the long-term, so you put setbacks you might experience into the correct perspective. When you believe there will always be enough opportunities and resources available, you won’t worry about missing one.
For example, have you ever stumbled at a job interview? You knew you blew it. But how you reacted afterward is the key to your mindset. If you whined and cried and said you weren’t ever going to get a job because of it, you have a scarcity mindset.
But when you have the outlook that there are numerous other companies ready to hire someone like you and you’ll find something eventually. It also helps you go into the next interview with a calmer and more confident mindset.
The same can be found in your personal life. If you went on a terrible date, what was your mindset? Did you believe you’d never date again or fall in love? Or did you believe that it was disappointing, but the world is full of incredible people you could connect with?

Why It Creates A Satisfying Life

As you can see, thinking with an open mind and looking for the upside helps you create a more satisfying life. You won’t sit around sad and lonely. Instead, you’ll take the risk and take actions that will bring you the abundance you want.
The abundance mentality allows you to trust that there is enough of what you need out there if you are willing to look for it. It helps you create a satisfying life through service as well. An abundance mindset lets you celebrate other people’s success and share in their happiness. Jealousy isn’t a part of it. You know that just because others succeed, it doesn’t mean you are failing.
An abundance mindset is one of an open, giving, sharing nature. You freely give something to others. This can be money, time, respect, or kindness. You are happy making others happy. When you spend time on others, your perception of time availability than if you wasted time, spent time on yourself, or are given free time to do something.
Having an abundance mindset creates a more satisfying life because you are more aware of what you already have. You are grateful for everything in your life. You see the positive in something and learn a lesson from it. You see the potential in everything around you and see the big picture view instead of seeing the losses or missteps, the things you don’t have or viewing others as the competition.
The abundance mindset works to create a life that is fulfilling and happy because you know that you are worthy, that there is plenty for everyone, and that good things will come to you.

Abundance: More than Wealth

Abundance is more than wealth, although that is a part of it. It is many things and can mean different things to each person. It is the internal belief that, regardless of your circumstances, situation, or skills, you are always provided for in every area of your life.
Real abundance is the physical manifestation of your true nature and how we are showing up in our world. It shows ups as:

  • Love of family
  • Support from friend
  • An unexpected gift
  • New friends
  • A helping hand from a stranger
  • Renewed energy and better health
  • New opportunities to move you closer to your vision
  • And sometimes cash

Abundance includes financial wealth, but it also includes having a rich, healthy, and fulfilling life, while living each day with purpose and passion.
Financial or Material. This can mean anything from having peace of mind that your bills are always paid to having actual financial wealth with unlimited funds. It can mean you are abundant in possessions such as homes, autos, jewelry, furniture, or other material things.
Personal Development. Being abundant in your personal development can mean different things. It can be an abundance of confidence in your abilities, skills, opportunities. It can be an abundance in learning and growing to be your best self. It means being fulfilled in personal enrichment activities you enjoy.
Spiritual. An abundance of spirituality means feeling a connection to your higher self often through your religious or spiritual practice. It’s an abundance of pursuing what you believe in and being comfortable in that.
Relationships. The variety of relationships you have that contributes to your happiness can include friends and coworkers. It can be loving relationships with family and loved ones. You can have an abundance of relationships in every area of your life.
Health. Having a health abundance starts with treating your body with love and respect by eating healthy foods, regular exercise, and physical exams. It means being at your healthiest level, free from disease and unhealthy habits.
Purpose. Although our career is often what we consider our purpose in life, it can also be what we feel our purpose is in being here. You can have an abundance of purpose by fulfilling it through your job, spiritual work, volunteering, or in other ways
.Natural abundance. Abundance can be found all around you. It is in the sky above you, the moon, the stars the oceans, the animals. It is the trees, the water, the land you walk upon.
Abundance is being able to recognize the riches of everything in your life, loving yourself, taking care of your health, and doing what you are passionate about. Abundance is about feeling loved and loving others, about feeling peaceful and free.
“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” ~ Wayne Dyer
<h4Developing an Abundance Mindset
When you understand the signs and know what the signals are for both a scarcity mindset and an abundant one, you begin to see where yours falls. Then, you can begin to make changes and create an abundance mindset for yourself.
Here are 17 ways you can create an abundance mindset starting today:

  1. Be aware of your thoughts. Take the time to notice what type of thoughts you are having. Then make a conscious effort to shift them to an abundant one. You can do this by writing them down or asking a friend. Ask yourself what you need to do to shift your mindset.
  2. Practice gratitude. This is a powerful and widely used tool for creating abundance. According to Oprah Winfrey, “If you look at what you have in life, you will always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you will never have enough.”Tony Robbins has said, “When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.” Keep a gratitude journal. Write down what you are grateful for every day. Try to list at least 10 items. You can always list the simple things if you get stuck, like your bed you sleep in, a hot shower, the chance to be alive another day.
  3. Be aware of the unlimited possibilities around you. Don’t focus too intently on one thing and overlook other options, which may be more viable. Practice clearing your mind to see more possibilities. You may want to use meditation strategies or other focusing strategies to help you.
  4. Use abundance affirmations. Use positive affirmations to improve your mindset, attitude, thought process, expectations, and experiences. Make a list of your fears regarding a specific problem. Write down what you fear. Next, look at the fear and identify the positive outcomes that support more abundance.
  5. Limit your time on social media, the television, and digital devices. Excessive screen-time contributes to feelings of inadequacy and other negative feelings. Regain your energy by mentally and physically taking control. Physically, take action and do things you enjoy that keep you moving around.
  6. Get organized in every area of your life. Being mentally or physically cluttered makes you lose track of what you have, forcing you to feel like you are living in scarcity. Organize everything so you can see clearly what you have and know that you already have more than you need.
  7. Adopt a beginner’s mindset. A “beginner’s mindset” consists of having an open and eager attitude, without preconceived notions. Adopt this attitude to enhance your creativity and ability to see things in a new way. Learn something new that makes you slightly uncomfortable. It can be a new skill, hobby, passion, or project.
  8. Share with others. Enhance the lives of others around you. It gives you a feeling of fulfillment to share with family, friends, and strangers.
  9. Give up the obsession to always win. Realize there is always plenty to go around. You don’t have to feel like you’re in competition with others.
  10. Don’t compare yourself to others. You’re not in a competition with anyone else. You don’t have to have everything they do to be liked, loved, and needed. Instead focus on spending time thinking about who you want to be and start enhancing your skills, improving yourself, to attract the related types of abundance.
  11. Be aware of what you say and how you say it. The language you use to talk to yourself and others, shapes your reality. Notice what you are saying about your experience and beliefs when you are engaged in any kind of conversation. If you find yourself talking about something you can’t be, do or have, stop yourself.
  12. Take care of your health. Although you can’t do much about genetic factors, your behavior is in your hands. Improve your environment by keeping it clean, washing your hands often, make healthy lifestyle choices, exercise, get enough rest and fun, eat healthy foods.
  13. Continue to learn. Grow and educate yourself with specialized knowledge, expert knowledge, and general or practical knowledge that you can use in multiple areas of your life.
  14. Increase your intelligence factor. This includes common sense, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, verbal intelligence, and cognitive intelligence, as well as many others. This helps you steer clear of stress, negativity, emotional problems, and irrational thinking.
  15. Face your fear. Fear is a scarcity mindset. It is obstructive and keeps you buried in your comfort zone. When you find yourself not doing something out of fear, force yourself to at least try (unless it’s a rational fear because it’s dangerous). Cultivate confidence, courage, and self-esteem to face your problems. The more your face your fears, the more confidence you’ll gain.
  16. Develop a growth mindset. Entertain your curiosity about other people and other experiences. Ask someone every day about their life, their goals, and how they are going to pursue them. Listen to others when they talk, instead of talking about yourself or your life.
  17. Focus on what is going well. Notice what is going right. Look at a problem or area that doesn’t seem to be going right but focus on what is actively going right about the situation or event. Then brainstorm ways to support that part. Open your mind and think of inventive ways to solve the problem.

Developing an abundant mindset can be done with consistency and believing it will happen. Focus on your thoughts, actions, fears, and how you react to events. Then make changes when you find yourself reacting from a place of scarcity.

Abundant Mindset Affirmations

You already know that changing the way you say something affects how you react or receive.
Here are 20 abundant mindset affirmations samples for you to try.

  • I create limitless abundance through my attitude and my actions.
  • I create opportunities that open the door for more abundance.
  • I find new ways every day to enjoy abundance.
  • I acknowledge and express gratitude for the abundance I have in my life now.
  • I always have more than enough _____ (money, friends, opportunities, etc.).
  • The abundance of the universe is infinite.
  • I believe in my skills and abilities.
  • I give freely and fearlessly in life and life gives back to me tenfold.
  • I grateful to the universe. It provides for me in infinite ways.
  • I am enough and I have enough.
  • I have the power to make today a great day.
  • It doesn’t matter if I do everything perfectly. It matters that I tried.
  • My actions create my prosperity.
  • I am happy with who I am.
  • Fear of failure does not control me.
  • I choose to be happy.

Adopt these affirmations as a part of your daily routine. Change them to fit your situation. Say them aloud as soon as you wake up and again before going to bed.

The Next Step

Your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes affect your ability to create the life you desire. This is your mindset. It can be one of abundance or come from a place of scarcity. Abundance has a different connotation for each person. Those with an abundant mindset feel wealth in every area of life, while those who have a scarcity mindset view wealth as not being happy with what they have now. They put limitations on how they can achieve their goal of abundance.
Like other new skills and qualities, abundance grows when you apply it frequently. This can be attained by being generous to others, using positive phrases, facing fears, etc. Consciously taking the steps to move forward allows you to change your perspective of things and revise your thoughts, actions, and feelings to support an abundance mindset any time you see something needs to change.If you find you have a scarcity mindset in some area of your life, you can flip the script to one of abundance. For example, with daily practice, you can shift from being envious of others to being inspired by their success.
Bad things do happen in life. While you can’t control what happens in every situation, you can control how you react. You can shift your thinking and identify the positives that result from the event. At these times, it’s important that you act to choose to focus on the positive aspects. When you learn to control and shift your mindset to abundance, as needed, you begin to recognize and experience more abundance and possibility.

In the words of Peter Diamandis, “Creating abundance is not about creating a life of luxury for everybody on this planet; it’s about creating a life of possibility.”