Following up on last week’s post on visualization, I’d like to help you dispel some of the myths about the process.

Myth #1: Visualization is Ineffective

The first and very pervasive myth is that visualization simply involves creating a mental image of what you want. However, it’s delusional and misleading to assume that visualization is all about wishing and hoping that something happens. This ridiculously simplified view of this concept is the reason many people never achieve anything tangible with visualization. They assume that they are practicing and utilizing this phenomenon, but that’s not the case.

Rather, visualization involves using your thoughts to engineer a certain result and what you will need to do to achieve it. In other words, visualization doesn’t end with thinking about what you want to achieve. Instead, it also involves imagination regarding the steps you’ll need to take to accomplish the target. If all you do is imagining yourself achieving a target without thinking about how you will achieve it, you are in the realm of fantasies.

Myth #2:  Visualization isn’t Scientific

 In a bid to discredit visualization, some people would say that the practice isn’t scientific. However, this claim is far from the truth.

Does science offer an explanation? Certainly! Scientists have proven that visualization affects our brains in certain ways that promote the achievement of our goals.

Let’s explore the scientific evidence that validates the effectiveness of visualization.

The science behind visualization revolves around the activities of neurochemicals in the brain. Your thoughts create neural patterns in your brain. The motor cortex connects visualization and actions. The motor cortex is activated when you think about doing something, such as raising your arm or taking a few steps forward. So, imaginations help you to remember and have a mental rehearsal of your planned movement. The neural pattern your brain creates makes those events feel real to you.

For example – many basketball players have a practice that many people find weird. They train to improve their accuracy without actually shooting a ball! Interestingly, they get the desired result. How is that possible? They train their brain to succeed in shooting accurately. So, they end up being able to replicate their imaginations with the ball. Your imaginations stimulate your nervous system, and the result of that stimulation can be mind-blowing in many cases.

So, you can change the course of your life by designing your future with your thoughts. Your nervous system responds by linking your thoughts to your actions. Therefore, you are closer to your dreams when you leverage visualization techniques. You are envisaging positive events, and you will be driven to your destination by those thoughts in the long run.

Myth #3:   Visualization is for Lazy Dreamers

I got this in public school all the time. I was accused of being a daydreamer. Of course I was, school could be boring and it focused on rote and regurgitation! People often thought that visualization is all about sitting on a couch dreaming about buying up Microsoft. Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier, this is far from the truth. World-beaters such as Jim Carey, Oprah Winfrey, and Will Smith have openly discussed how they were able to achieve their dreams by leveraging visualization.

f you study these people, you’ll see that they aren’t lazy at all. Rather, their thought process fueled their desire to move from where they were to where they are. So, visualization isn’t for lazy people who live in the realm of fantasy. Instead, it’s for people who are deliberate about what they want in life and will go all out to accomplish it.

So, even if you doubt it, try it. You have nothing to lose, and you might even successfully manifest your goal!

If you found this interesting, let me know. There is much more actionable information on this, which I would like to share with you in the coming weeks.

But for now, I’ve got to go, I have brochures on cruises to pick up!


Until we chat again,