Merry Christmas!

Well, here goes my E Christmas Card. I Hope the days before Christmas find you full of Joy and at Peace. Our daughter got married last week, so we are still making adjustments. What do I want this Christmas? More people to help. A stronger belief that I walk my talk....

The Power of the smaller goal

The power of the smaller goal Today I want to talk about the power of the smaller goal. Now wait, you say doesn’t everybody talk about the “big” goal? Please understand, the small goal is a stepping stone or the bridge to the big goal. Let’s say your five-year goal is...

A quick list to start with

Have written goals you reflect on often​. And yes even in this age of slates and laptops, the power of handwriting this goals still seems to provide more power. I have heard it refered to digital memory. After you write it down, type it, print it use different fonts,...

Setting Goals

September 1 is my New Year’s Eve. I find December 31 arbitrary. Fall is the season I check my results against my goals. Remember to write down your goals, and review them often. It works! I would love to hear how your goal setting/achieving process is going....