Many people hope to slow down during a summer break. But after a week or two of guilty pleasures (mine being Clive Cussler novels), may I recommend spending at least some time developing yourself, and perhaps, your true potential. If you are to unlock your full potential, you might be wondering what the first steps are that you can take to attract all your desires into your life.
Potential is different for every person. You need to define what potential looks like for you since it will be different for you than for other people in your life. Unlocking your full potential is a personal journey that shouldn’t be compared to the others around you. You may think this seems complicated if you are unsure of how to start the process.
If you aren’t sure how to become the ideal version of yourself, the best rule of thumb to follow is to focus as much as you can on what you want every day. Try to start and end your day thinking about this ideal self that you want to become.
It helps to use visualization. You won’t magically become a new person overnight. Think about how you want your reactions to be in every situation and what you want your life to look like. Imagine yourself as that person as soon as you have a clear vision of what you want to be like.
Once you have this ideal version of yourself created, you can move on to the first step of unlocking your potential.
Commit to the process
Committing to the process is essential to unlocking your full potential. If you don’t commit to the process, nothing will happen. You won’t be able to fully start your journey. It’s okay to be full of good intentions, but you also need to be able to have a clear idea of how to get where you want to go. Shifting from ideas to actions can be hard. but it’s a necessary process.
Stop procrastinating! Procrastination will only lead you to failure and the inability to attract everything you want and need. Struggling to see something through is hard for everyone, so don’t get discouraged if you are struggling to make your actions real.
If there are some things in your life that you can’t control that are keeping you unmotivated, just try to let them go. Trying to hang onto them will cause the process to last much longer than it needs to. One easy way to commit to the process is to set goals.
More next week!
Until we chat again,
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