The Next Ninety days

Do you want to finish 2017 on a high note? Do you want to hit 2018 all ready for a great year? You have ninety days. No, I didn’t misread the calendar, between office parties, Christmas, maybe a snow day or two, I may even be generous. Get started now! So, what am I...

Who should you share your goals with?

Many people are afraid of goal setting because they feel they may have to share their goals with others. I offer Zig Ziglar’s thoughts on this; If it is a go up goal, i.e. things that will make you better off, tell only people who you trust, and preferably those with...

Action Steps

This is one of the concepts I got from my coaching course. Action steps are the daily or weekly activities which forward you toward your goal achievement. These should be written down. At some level you know that the big goal usually doesn’t just happen, but to...

Goal Setting-beyond the financial

Beyond the financial So today I want to talk to you about goal setting. Now as some of you cringe, I did give you January off! You may be familiar with writing out your hoped for income, or if you are in sales, how many widgets sold equals that income. As well, I know...

The next 90 days

In my twenty plus years I have seen hundreds if not thousands people struggle with goal setting. Many are afraid even to look at it, and many more set themselves up to fail. What do I see as some roadblocks? The first thing is the five-year goal. We think that is what...